Sunday, February 14, 2010

Engineering the Complex SOC: Fast, Flexible Design with Configurable Processors

Engineering the Complex SOC: Fast, Flexible Design with Configurable Processors Summary:
Prentice Hall PTR | English | 2004-06-14 | ISBN: 0131455370 | 496 pages | CHM | 9 MB

Engineering the Complex SOC The firstunified hardware/software guide to processor-centric SOC designProcessor-centric approaches enable SOC designers to complete farlarger projects in far less time. Engineering the Complex SOCis acomprehensive, example-driven guide to creating designs withconfigurable, extensible processors. Drawing upon Tensilica's Xtensaarchitecture and TIE language, Dr. Chris Rowen systematicallyilluminates the issues,opportunities, and challenges of processor-centric design. Rowenintroduces a radically new design methodology, then covers itsessential techniques: processor configuration, extension,hardware/software co-generation, multiple processorpartitioning/communication, and more. Coverage includes: * Whyextensible processors are necessary: shortcomings of current design methods* Comparing extensible processors to traditional processors andhardwired logic * Extensible processor architecture and mechanisms ofprocessor extensibility * Latency, throughput, coordination of parallelfunctions, hardware interconnect options, management of designcomplexity, and other issues * Multiple-processor SOC architecture forembedded systems * Task design from the viewpoints of softwareandhardware developers * Advancedtechniques: implementing complex state machines, task-to-tasksynchronization, power optimization, and more * Toward a "sea ofprocessors": Long-term trends in SOC design and semiconductortechnology For all architects, hardware engineers, software designers,and SOC program managers involved with complex SOC design; and for all managers investing in SOC designs, platforms, processors, or expertise.


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