Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Gas Transport in Porous Media (Theory and Applications of Transport in Porous Media)


Gas Transport in Porous Media (Theory and Applications of Transport in Porous Media)
Springer; 1st edition (November 13, 2006) | English | 1402039611 | 446 pages | PDF | 8.05 MB

Thisbook presents a compilation of state-of-the art studies on gas andvapor transport processes in porous and fractured media. A broad set ofmodels and processes are presented, including advection/diffusion, theDusty Gas Model, enhanced vapor diffusion, phase change, coupledprocesses, solid/vapor sorption, and vapor-pressure lowering. Numerousapplications are also presented that illustrate these processes andmodels in current problems facing the scientific community. This bookfills a gap in the general area of transport in porous and fracturedmedia - an area that has historically been dominated by studies ofliquid-phase flow and transport. This book identifies gas and vaportransport processes that may be important or dominant in variousapplications, and it exploits recent advances in computational modelingand experimental methods to present studies that distinguish therelative importance of various mechanisms of transport in complexmedia. Audience: Researchers and graduate students in soil science,hydrology, civil engineering, and mechanical engineering, governmentinstitutions, national laboratories, practicing environmental engineersand engineering consultants, students with a basic background inthermodynamics and fluid mechanics.

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